Be present. Observing and listening to the sights and sounds around you is important. I had a great moment this morning while walking with my daughter. She’s a freshman in high school. We have some great moments walking to school.
This morning, she stopped suddenly and asked, “Was that a woodpecker?” I stopped and listened, and sure enough, it was a woodpecker.
I was impressed with her keen observation. I hadn’t noticed it. When we lived in the country, it was easier to hear the woodpeckers, owls, and other birds as there was much less ambient noise. I was worried initially that moving into town would eliminate most of the nature sights and sounds that I love.
All we have to do is take time to listen and observe. This morning my daughter heard a woodpecker. When I walk my dog at night, I can get between two streetlights and have an unpolluted view of the night sky. As my dog will attest, there is an abundance of squirrels and rabbits if one simply takes the time to look at (or smell) them.
It’s been cold here this week. Most mornings have been in the 20’s. Every day I’ve walked with both kids to school. If I gave them a ride, we would not have heard the woodpecker this morning. If I hadn’t walked with her, she might have been wearing headphones and listening to music. Then she wouldn’t have heard it either.
We are surrounded by a cacophony most of the day. At some point, every day if you can, get outside without headphones. Take a walk, long or short. Pay attention to the world around you, the sights, smells and sounds.
It might lift your spirits and help you have a great rest of your day. Who knows, you might even hear a woodpecker!